Monday, November 21, 2016

What Is the Smart Grid?

The smart Grid is developing network of transmission lines,equipment,
controls and new technologies working together to respond immediately
to our 21st century demand for electricity.

Traditional about hundred yrs ago,

  • Localised Power generation
  • Small Energy Demands
  • One way interaction(From station to home)

Smart grid to meet 21st century electricity demand:
>2 way dialogue: electricity and information can be exchanged between
utilities and customers
>Developing network working together to make grid more efficient,reliable,secure,greener
>Provide newer technologies to be integrated such as Wind ,Solar productions and
Plugin electric vehical charging

>Smart home communicates with grid and enbles consumers to manage electricity usage
>By measuring home electricity consumtion frequently by using smart meter
utilities can provide much more information to customer to manage their electric bills.
>Inside smart home,through HAN device can be connected to energy managment system
>Smart appliances and devices can adjust their run schedules do reduce energy demard
at critical time and lower energy bills
>This smart devices can be scheduled over web or even over TV

>Renewable enery sources and sustainable energy sources but are variable by nature
and add complexity to normal grid operation
>Smart grid provide data and automation needed to enable solar panel and wind forms
to put enery on to grid and optimize its use

>Defering Electric usage

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