Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Essential commands for working with SQLite 3

1. Create Database

  > sqllite3 test.db

2. Create Table

sqlite> create table employees (id interger primary key,name text);

3. Inserting into Table

sqlite> insert into employees values(1, 'Sujata Regoti');

4. Representing in table format

 To display each record in different row and align column wise, set mode to column
sqlite> .mode column 
To display headers i.e column names set headers on
sqlite> .headers on
Now display Table using SQL Select command
sqlite> select * from employees;

5. As name field require more space set using width and specify width for each column

sqlite> .width 15 20
Now Display
sqlite>select * from employees;

6. Exit and Reopen

sqlite> .exit
> sqlite3 test.db

7. To see created tables

sqlite> .tables

Here I have 2 stables employees and student

8. To display each information on its own line set mode to line

sqlite> .mode line
Now display table
sqlite>select * from employees;

9. To see commands used for tables use schema

sqlite> .schema
Or for particular table then specify table name
sqlite> .schema employees

10. To see current settings

sqlite> .show

11. To set nullvalue to "NULL" instead of blank "" as shown in settings

sqlite> .nullvalue 'NULL'

12. To output database on screen use dump

sqlite> dump

13. To save about dump into file then use .output and specify destination

sqlite> .output  D:\study\Employees
sqlite> .dump
sqlite> .output stdout

14. Delete, Drop table

To delete records
sqlite> delete from employees;
To Drop Table
sqlite> drop table employees;

15. To read database which is created previously

Connect to new database

Read from sql file

16. To select table with insert commands

sqlite> .mode insert
sqlite> select * from employees;

17. Working with Different modes: 

> .mode html

>.mode list

>.mode tabs

>.mode tcl

> mode .csv

18. Extract information into CSV.

Use above command to set csv mode.Then
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .output E:/study/Employees.csv
sqlite> select * from employees;
sqlite> .output stdout


SQLite Very Simple way to install on Windows

1.Go to

2. Scroll down until you get Precompiled Binaries for Windows. 

3. Click on link to Download where you see command-line shell 
4. Unzip downloaded zip file.
5. Cut Paste .exe file(s) into C:/Windows/System32
6. Open cmd and type sqlite3

Thats It.. :)