Saturday, September 10, 2016

Performance Metrics for Parallel Systems

Fig.IBM's Blue Gene/P massively parallel supercomputer.

Q.1 Define Speedup, efficiency, cost of parallel system.

  1. Speedup  :  

> Speedup measures increase in running time due to parallelism
> No. of PEs = n
> Based on running time :
Speedup S= Ts/Tp where
Ts = Execution Time on single processor, using fastest known sequential algorithm
Tp =  Execution Time using parallel processor i.e.

  1. Efficiency


  1. Cost


Cost = parallel running time x number of processors

> Also called “Algorithm cost” for clarity
> Parallel algorithm whose cost is big-oh of running time of optimal sequential algorithm is called “Cost optimal

Q.2. Explain cost optimal algorithm for addition of n numbers on p processors where p <<n.

Steps :
  1. Distribute n/p elements to p PEs.
  2. Each processor adds n/p elements locally in O(n/p).
  3. Propagate partial sums up a logical binary tree of PEs in O(log p).

Parallel Runtime :

As long as n=O(plogp), Cost is O(n) which is same as serial runtime. Hence Cost-Optimal.
Fig. cost optimal way of adding 16 numbers using 4 PEs